Chairman responds to inaugural APLA webinar

APLA/WLA Webinar 2021: Lotteries Beyond COVID

While we eagerly await the day we can meet in person, 300 APLA and WLA members from across the globe recently gathered virtually for the 2021 APLA/WLA Webinar. 

The focus of this year’s webinar was Lotteries Beyond COVID

Over the three-day event, members heard from industry leaders and international keynote speakers about how they responded to the pandemic and how COVID has changed businesses, workplaces, and ways of working for the future. 

APLA Chairman Sue van der Merwe said there had been many key learnings from the pandemic across the global lotteries industry. 

“There’s no doubt the past 16 months have been extremely challenging. Across the world, we’ve seen incredible suffering and significant changes to people’s way of living and working,” she said. 

“As a global lotteries community, we have been in a unique and somewhat privileged position with the nature of our products and the important role our industry plays in supporting good causes”. 

“Customer research shows that more than ever, customers are looking for positivity, optimism, excitement and entertainment, and that’s exactly what our range of products delivers”. 

“Throughout the webinar, it became clear to me how each lottery organisation in attendance strongly considered the customer perspective throughout the pandemic, and the important role lotteries play in the community.”

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